Am observat ca atunci cand umbla acest tag prin blogosfera, toate fetele pe care le urmaream au ales cantarete, asa ca eu m-am hotarat sa ies putin din tipare si il aleg pe "my boy" Lil Wayne :)
1. Are you male or female?
Sweetest Girl.
2. Describe yourself.
So Special.
3. How do you feel?
4. Describe where you currently live.
Welcome to My Hood.
5. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
Where You At.
6. Your favorite form of transportation?
Maybach Music 2.
7. Your best friend?
Respect Us.
8. You and your best friend are?
9. What's the weather like?
10. Favorite time of day?
Hit the Lights
11. If your life was a TV show, what would it be called?
I'm ME.
12. What's life to you?
100 Million.
13. Your relationship?
Can't Believe It.
14. Your fear?
15. What is the best advice you have to give?
Women Lie, Men Lie.
16. Thought of the day?
So Good.
17. My motto.
Right Above It.
Hope you enjoyed! Kissez!
direct la inima! foarte tare!
@Mia: gandeam eu ca tie o sa-ti placa :D
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